Benvenuti In A.S.D. Scherma Bresso
Happy 50th Birthday Scherma Bresso!

Scherma Bresso turns 50!

It was an unforgettable day Sunday, September 12, 2021, in the beautiful setting of Villa Walter Fontana in Capriano di Briosco, with all athletes, managers, teachers, instructors and families of our fencing room meetings to celebrate an important birthday, the fifty years of our society.

Exceptional patroness Mara Navarria, World Champion Sword and Team Bronze Medal in Tokyo 2020, has given awards and prizes to the Bresso Boys and Bresso Girls and has donated to the President Antonella Malugani and to the Director of Hall and Maestro Luca Bellezze one of the swords with which she took to the platform just during the Japanese Olympics.
